How To Wear Floral Print Pants All Year Long

How To Wear Floral Print Pants All Year Long

Transitioning from summer to fall is quite easy in general. The cold season is all about layering, feel free to layer up tops, sweaters, jackets, scarves etc to keep yourself warm. The styling rule here is: Floral pants should always remain the visual highlight of your outfit.

It really doesn’t tolerate much competition from another pattern. So combine it always with classic unicolored items, just to be on the safe side. You can go with neutrals, or any other colour that is reflected in the pattern itself, to create a harmonious look.

Another good idea is to keep the separates in the same textile family. Drapey fabrics are very much suitable to wear with your summer items. A floaty jacket or a warm scarf are also versatile options that are easy to put on and off.

Last but not least (for the fun fearless females!): Why not cover yourself head to toe in flowers, like Holland Rodem and Bailee Madison? 

Ok, this look is quite “out there” and you have to know that people WILL look at you. But on the other hand, if you keep the rest of your outfit very sleek and understated, those initial looks will quickly turn into admiration. 

Oh hello, autumn!

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xoxo, Lu