Category: Style Advice

How To Wear A Neon Skirt

How To Wear A Neon Skirt

How To Wear A Neon Skirt

This very first blog post is dedicated to my friend Cherie in Hongkong.

When I visited Cherie this year in April, she showed me something she bought recently saying: “I loved that neon skirt in the store, but I have no idea with what I should wear it.” Alrighty, let’s have a look…

The garment she showed me was a straight black mini-skirt with a funky neon green pattern. Very cool, Cherie! But since this piece is a statement on its own mixing it with more patterns and colourful things can go wrong very easily. So always mix with neutral colours and pick up colours of the pattern in your accessories and jewelry to keep things looking composed.

Unless you plan to attend a crazy dress up party, that is.

Check out here 3 Ways To Wear A Neon Skirt for more style inspiration!

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