Spotted: A Denim Overall In Zurich

How to wear a denim overall as cool as Alexa Chung | ©

Spotted: A Denim Overall In Zurich

Love it or hate it, thanks to street style queen Alexa Chung, denim overalls are back. Yes, they are, there is no doubt about that. The big question now is, should this trend be making its way to your closet, yes or no?

Admittedly, denim overalls are incredibly comfortable to wear and very practical. I used to live in one. However, that was back in the ’90s and I was in my early teenage years.

I tossed my old overall before going to college, but when I recently spotted this girl above sitting on the Polyterrasse in Zurich, I did have some second thoughts whether to get a new one or not. After some serious deliberation, I have decided that I will pass on this trend. But in case you want to give it a try, here are some styling tips on How To Wear A Denim Overall (and look as cool as Alexa).

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xoxo, Lu